Installing openNDS


openNDS is designed to run on a device configured as an IPv4 router and will have at least two network interfaces:

A WAN interface (Wide Area Network). This interface must be connected to an Internet feed:

  • Either an ISP CPE (Internet Service Provider Customer Premises Equipment)
  • Or another router, such as the venue ADSL router.
  • It must be configured as a DHCP client, obtaining its IPv4 address and DNS server from the connected network.

A LAN interface (Local Area Network). This interface MUST be configured to:

  • Provide the Default IPv4 gateway in a private IPv4 subnet that is different to any private subnets between it and the ISP CPE
  • Provide DHCP services to connected clients
  • Provide DNS services to connected clients
  • Provide Network Address Translation (NAT) for all outgoing traffic directed to the WAN interface.

Installing on OpenWrt

  • Have a router working with OpenWrt. At the time of writing, openNDS has been tested with OpenWrt 18.06.x, 19.7.x and Snapshot.

  • OpenWrt version 19.07.x or less requires openNDS v5.2.0 or less.

  • OpenWrt Snapshot or versions higher than 19.07.x require openNDS v6.0.0 or higher.

  • Note: To run openNDS v6.0.0 or higher on OpenWrt 19.07.x or lower you must upgrade/install libmicrohttpd to v0.9.71 or higher first.

  • openNDS may or may not work on older versions of OpenWrt or on other kinds of Linux-based router firmware.

  • Make sure your router is basically working before you try to install openNDS. In particular, make sure your DHCP daemon is serving addresses on the interface that openNDS will manage.

    The default interface is br-lan but can be changed to any LAN interface by editing the /etc/config/opennds file.

  • To install openNDS, you may use the OpenWrt Luci web interface or alternatively, ssh to your router and run the command:

    opkg update

    followed by

    opkg install opennds

  • openNDS is enabled by default and will start automatically on reboot or can be started and stopped manually.

  • If the interface that you want openNDS to manage is not br-lan, edit /etc/config/opennds and set GatewayInterface.

  • To start openNDS, run the following, or just reboot the router:

    service opennds start

  • To test the installation, connect a client device to the interface on your router that is managed by openNDS (for example, connect to the router’s wireless lan).

Most client device operating systems and browsers support Captive Portal Detection (CPD) and the operating system or browser on that device will attempt to contact a pre defined port 80 web page.

CPD will trigger openNDS to serve the default splash page where you can click or tap Continue to access the Internet.

See the Authentication section for details of setting up a proper authentication process.

If your client device does not display the splash page it most likely does not support CPD.

You should then manually trigger openNDS by trying to access a port 80 web site (for example, is a good choice).

  • To stop openNDS:

    service opennds stop

  • To uninstall openNDS:

    opkg remove opennds

Generic Linux

openNDS can be compiled for most distributions of Linux

openNDS requires the libmicrohttpd (MHD) library. The version must be greater than 0.9.51 but no higher than 0.9.70 for openNDS v5.2.0. openNDS v6.0.0 or higher requires libmicrohttpd 0.9.71 or higher.

If your distribution of Linux has a package of version less then 0.9.69, you can set the openNDS config option use_outdated_mhd to 1. This will force openNDS to use it.

Older versions of MHD convert & and + characters to spaces when present in form data.

This can make a PreAuth or BinAuth impossible to use for a client if form data contains either of these characters eg. in username or password.

MHD versions earlier than 0.9.69 are detected.

If the option use_outdated_mhd is set to 0 (default), NDS will terminate if MHD is earlier than 0.9.69

If this option is set to 1, NDS will start but log an error.

You can also compile libmicrohttpd yourself to get the latest version.

To compile libmicrohttpd and openNDS, see the chapter “How to Compile and install openNDS”.