How to Compile openNDS

Linux/Unix - Compile in Place on Target Hardware

Make sure the development suite for your Linux distribution is installed.

The libmicrohttpd library (MHD) is a dependency of openNDS so compiling and installing this is a prerequisite.

First, create a working directory and “cd” into it.

Next, Download and un-tar the libmicrohttpd source files.

You can find a version number for MHD at

tar  -xf libmicrohttpd-0.9.70.tar.gz
cd libmicrohttpd-0.9.70

where “0.9.70” is the MHD version number we are using in this example.

Now configure and compile:

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
cd ..

Then proceed to download the opennds source files.

You can find a release version number for openNDS at

tar -xf v5.1.0
cd openNDS-5.1.0
sudo make install
systemctl enable opennds

Where “5.1.0” is the openNDS version we are using in this example.

openNDS should now start automatically at boot time.

It can be manually started, restarted, stopped or disabled with the following commands:

systemctl start opennds

systemctl restart opennds

systemctl stop opennds

systemctl disable opennds

The status of openNDS can be checked with the following command:

ndsctl status

On most Linux distributions you can read the system message log with the command:

sudo /usr/bin/cat /var/log/messages

OpenWrt Package

The OpenWrt package feed supports cross-compiled openNDS packages for all OpenWrt targets. See the “Installing openNDS” section of this documentation.

Cross Compiling for OpenWrt

You can cross-compile openNDS from source and create your own installable package using the package definition from the feeds package.

git clone git://
cd openwrt
./scripts/feeds update
./scripts/feeds install
./scripts/feeds install opennds

Select the appropriate “Target System” and “Target Profile” in the menuconfig menu and build the image:

make defconfig
make menuconfig