BinAuth Option


BinAuth provides a method of running a post authentication script or extension program. BinAuth is ALWAYS local to NDS and as such will have access to all the resources of the local system.

BinAuth cannot be disabled.

By default, the script /usr/lib/opennds/ is used

This script manages the authenticated client database.

In turn this database is used by openNDS to re-authenticate clients if a restart occurs. This is automatically achieved by a call to the auth_restore library function. After openNDS has restarted, clients that have remaining session time are re-authenticated.

Custom Binauth Script

The custom binauth script /usr/lib/opennds/ is called by binauth.

This custom script can be edited to provide additional user defined functionality.

WARNING: The default binauth script can be replaced using option binauth, but this will disable the auth_restore and other significant functionality.

option binauth '/usr/lib/opennds/'

The Custom Binauth Variable

A custom variable is forwarded to BinAuth

This can contain an embedded payload of custom data defined by the FAS. As FAS is typically remote from the NDS router, this provides a link to the local system.

Binauth Functionality

1. BinAuth provides a means to override session timeout, data rate and data volume quotas on a client by client basis.

2. BinAuth is called by openNDS at the following times:

  • After the client CPD browser makes an authentication request to openNDS

  • After the client device is granted Internet access by openNDS

  • After the client is deauthenticated by request

  • After the client idle timeout interval has expired

  • After the client session timeout interval has expired

  • After a data upload or download quota has been exceeded

  • After the client is authenticated by ndsctl command

  • After the client is deauthenticated by ndsctl command

  • After NDS has received a shutdown command

3. Binauth provides the openNDS logging mechanism for both local logs and remote FAS logs.

BinAuth Command Line Arguments

When OpenNDS calls the configured BinAuth script, it sends a set of command line arguments depending on the reason for the call.

BinAuth Command Methods

The first argument, arg[1], is always the “method”.

The method will be set to one of the following values:
  • auth_client” This is a request for authentication by the client.

  • client_auth” This is an acknowledgement of successful authentication by NDS.

  • client_deauth” This is an acknowledgement that the client has been deauthenticated by NDS.

  • idle_deauth” - NDS has deauthenticated the client because the idle timeout duration has been exceeded.

  • timeout_deauth” - NDS has deauthenticated the client because the session length duration has been exceeded.

  • downquota_deauth” - NDS has deauthenticated the client because the client’s download quota has been exceeded

  • upquota_deauth” - NDS has deauthenticated the client because the client’s upload quota has been exceeded

  • ndsctl_auth” - NDS has authorised the client because of an ndsctl command (for example, sent by the NDS AuthMon daemon).

  • ndsctl_deauth” - NDS has deauthenticated the client because of an ndsctl command.

  • shutdown_deauth” - NDS has deauthenticated the client because it received a shutdown command.

Additional arguments depend on the method type:

Method auth_client

The first argument is auth_client and the following arguments are set to:

  • arg[2] = client_mac

  • arg[3] = username (deprecated)

  • arg[4] = password (deprecated)

  • arg[5] = url-escaped redir variable (the URL originally requested by the client.

  • arg[6] = url-escaped client user agent string

  • arg[7] = client_ip

  • arg[8] = client_token

  • arg[9] = url-escaped custom variable string

Method ndsctl_auth

The first argument is ndsctl_auth and the following arguments are set to:

  • arg[2] = client_mac

  • arg[3] = bytes_incoming (set to 0, reserved for future use)

  • arg[4] = bytes_outgoing (set to 0, reserved for future use)

  • arg[5] = session_start - the session start time

  • arg[6] = session_end - the session end time

  • arg[7] = client_token

  • arg[8] = url-escaped custom variable string

All Other Methods

When the first argument is other than auth_client or ndsctl_auth, the following arguments are set to:

  • arg[2] = client_mac

  • arg[3] = bytes_incoming (total incoming bytes for client)

  • arg[4] = bytes_outgoing (total incoming bytes for client)

  • arg[5] = session_start - the session start time

  • arg[6] = session_end - the session end time

  • arg[7] = client_token

Using the Custom Variable string

Method auth_client - arg[9] and ndsctl_auth - arg[8], contain the url-escaped custom variable string. openNDS extracts this variable from the query string of the http auth_client call from a FAS or ThemeSpec page.

It is provided for general unspecified use and is url-escaped. A typical example of its use is for a level 0, 1, or 2 FAS to communicate special values for individual clients, or groups of clients.